Teaching Heart Mom

Just a Mom With a Teaching Heart. Find fun activities to do with your kiddos and students (infant to age 10). www.teachingheart.net blog

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thinking about the law of positive attraction...

Have you ever noticed that the days you are in a good mood and are positive about life, you have a great day? Then there are the days when you are in a bad mood and can find the negative in everything, you have such a bad day.

I am a big believer in the law of positive attraction...

I believe that if you think positive thoughts, positive things usually happen and vise-versa with thinking negative thoughts. I think that positive people have positive friends... friends that want to hang out with them. Have you ever been in a bad mood and your friend was in a great mood... sometimes it is annoying to be around a positive friend when you are feeling blue, but I find it contagious and will usually snap out of my slump. I think that sometimes people don't realize how negative they are being... My kids are so bad, my husband can't do anything right, I don't have enough money to send my kids to science camp. Let's face-it we all can have these negative thoughts. I challenge you to turn those thoughts around and make them positive. My kids are healthy, my husband called me this AM just to say hi, and I can take the kids out on the trail or have a fun day at the park while the other kids are at summer camp.

Teachers, have you ever had a teacher in a lower grade come talk to you about a child that would be entering your class and all they had were negative things to say? I think all teachers have had this happen, I know it has happened to me. The first time, I was scared to even meet the child one teacher spoke of. My expectations were low and I had all these ideas floating in my head telling me how bad this school year would be with the said child in my classroom. Truthfully it wasn't so bad and probably would have been better if i was thinking positively about the child. After that one incident, I made it a point to never listen to other people tell me about a student. If they were speaking negatively, I just tuned out and nodded politely. The outcome for the year was much better this way... When I taught special education, I never read an IEP (the present levels of performance part) until the end of the first nine weeks. I wanted to start the year off positively and give each child a fair chance for me to see them in a positive light. It worked for me...

So my take is, good things come to those who think good thoughts. Choose positive friends, be happy, dance with your kids, praise God for the good in your life, love the one your are with like the day you met, turn a negative thought into a positive one. Love life, you only get one!
Want to read more about positive attraction, please check out these helpful links:

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Blogger jewelrybyrebecca said...

Love it! Love it! Love it!!!!
Thanks for the great post.
Got to run now, time to tell the kids and hubby how much they mean to me.

July 16, 2009 at 1:02 PM  
Anonymous Mich said...

All else will be attracted to you. This is the Law of Attraction. This is the real secret….

July 16, 2009 at 6:49 PM  
Blogger Pearlann66 said...

Karma, instant or otherwise is gonna get you!
I totally agree you get back what you put out into the universe!
It can be bad or good, but what goes around comes around is so true!

July 17, 2009 at 2:56 PM  

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